
Chris Marusich <cmmarus...@gmail.com> skribis:

> Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> writes:
>> I copied the video to audio-video.gnu.org.  It's now available here:
>> https://audio-video.gnu.org/video/misc/2018-11__Everyday_use_of_GNU_Guix__Chris_Marusich__SeaGL.webm
> Thank you, Mark.

Thanks indeed, that was fast!

Chris, if you want you can push a .md file to guix-artwork.git with a
link to the video (for example similar to
and I can do the CVS dance to upload it if you want.  :-)

> Too true!  The stickers were nice, but actually the reference cards were
> even more popular.  I printed a few dozen copies on paper vellum, and
> most of them were gone when I left the room.  Thank you, Ludo, for
> creating the reference card just in time for my talk!  ;-)

Ah ah, fun!  We should bring some of these at FOSDEM.


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