Hello Ricardo,

2019. febr. 18., H 11:53 dátummal Ricardo Wurmus <rek...@elephly.net> ezt

> Ricardo Wurmus <rek...@elephly.net> writes:
> > the next Outreachy round of internships will take place from May 2019 to
> > August 2019.  As a community we would need to decide very soon whether
> > we would like to participate in the upcoming round.
> >
> > To make that decision we need to have people come forward who would like
> > to be mentors or co-mentors for an internship project.  Being a mentor
> > also means to come up with a project idea or to flesh out somebody
> > else’s idea.  (This is different from GSoC.)
> >
> > The application period begins on February 18 (this is in five days).
> > The sooner we join the more likely we will find a strong intern.
> >
> > If you have doubts about volunteering as a mentor, you are welcome to
> > write to me and/or the current Outreachy mentors off-list.
> The application period begins today.  So far nobody has come forward
> to volunteer as a mentor, so I suppose Guix will not participate in the
> upcoming Outreachy round of internships.
I don't have a project in mind, but willing to comentor if something comes
up. I can help on the administration and organisation side, and reviewing,
like I did already for the past two rounds.

> --
> Ricardo

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