
Florian Pelz wrote:
> I wonder, what kind of FAT is the EFI partition using?  Could it be
> the wrong kind of FAT?

I got a mail from a bystander, Ady Ady whom i know from SYSLINUX/ISOLINUX
mailing list. He proposes the experiment to exchange the whole EFI partition
of the Guix ISO by the one of Debian Live 9.

This will not be able to really boot Guix, of course. But if the Mac's
boot manager shows it and is willing to start the bootx64.efi program,
then the FAT filesystem's meta data become prime suspect.

The EFI partition of Debian Live 9 is smaller than the one of Guix 0.16.0.
So after these steps :

> I wrote guixsd-install-0.16.0.x86_64-linux.iso to my USB drive again.
> Boot gets stuck again.
> I did `sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc2` to zero out the EFI
> partition.

mount the Debian Live 9 ISO (e.g. at /mnt/iso) and do

  dd if=/mnt/iso/boot/grub/efi.img of=/dev/sdc2

Have a nice day :)


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