Hi Laura, 

> Now, as regards the colours, it works with totem too :)
> But the cli sessions are at kind of super speed now, it happens
> watching the full video, or the separate cli session videos. I've
> tried it with totem, mvp and vlc. Any clue about it?

I have not seen this effect on the playback speed.  I am using the
first video for testing.  I do:

$  make clean VIDEO=01-installation-from-script


$ ./build-video.sh 01-installation-from-script

This plays at the right speed for me in Videos/Totem (version 3.26).

However, the concatenation question (for Firefox) may also be related
to the speed question.  Is super-speed very different from the expected
speed?  In the case of the first cli session for the first video there
is a difference between the duration of the audio and video streams:

duration1 (video stream):  1 minute 29 seconds
duration2 (audio stream):  1 minute 18 seconds

This difference may be treated in a different manner by different
players.  It may be necessary to add silence to the audio stream to
equalize the durations and allow reliable concatenation without re-

Best regards,


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