Hello Guix!

I've just read this thread [1] on the archive and I think it would be a
great feature! Any update on the topic?!

[1]: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2019-02/msg00132.html

I would love to have some services started when I log in (tor,
transmission-daemon, mpd, gpg-agent… you name them!) without having to
rely on the root user and system configuration.

One other nice thing would be to have something like systemd timers [2]
to replace cron jobs. I use them to run things like mbsync and vdirsyncer.

[2]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd/Timers

I'm not sure that I'm able to write any (good) Guile code, but I can read
some and discuss things, if that helps!



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