Hi Laura,

> firstCli originally gives me a length of 00:01:54.847000000
> Then, adding the sleep metacommand I get 00:02:18.248000000
> As regards secondCli, originally: 00:00:59.608000000
> And adding the sleep metacommand: 00:01:11.648000000

Thank you for testing.  The results are different from my system.  

I think we are seeing a difference between wall-clock time and cpu
time.  In the screen file I can see there is a snap! procedure that
writes a frame to disk after each interval.  It looks as if the disk
i/o is interrupting the sleep counter and introducing a delay that
depends on the system activity.

We may need to change tack to get accurate time delays.  One thought is
to replace the timer with a 'repeat' procedure that repeats the
previous frame.  If we know the sleep duration, s, and the interval, i,
we can calculate the number of repeats, N, needed:

N = s / i

This method would be unaffected by disk write times or rounding errors.

Best regards,


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