¡Hola!  :-)

Laura Lazzati <laura.lazzati...@gmail.com> skribis:

>> Agreed!  The result is really nice, and the workflow you came up with is
>> a nice piece of engineering, too.
> Thank you very much Ludo :)
>> Where should we go from there?
>> There are several tasks that could be started (translating, adding color
>> output), but we could also go ahead and publish them on the web site,
>> WDYT?
> Yes, I have not forgotten about the coloring task, but I also wanted
> to finish them ASAP. Another pending task is creating the subtitles.
> As regards Spanish translations, I don't remember very well the
> process -if it goes to the translation project or not - but I can
> volunteer if its necessary, using as much neutral Spanish as I can.


>>Also, how should we publish them: once per week, say, and then
>> have a dedicate section of the web site?  What are your thoughts on
>> this?
> I haven't thought about it, maybe now that they are ready we could let
> the community give their feedback for the following days?

I agree; I’m just trying to stir it up so we start thinking about a
plan.  :-)

> What about uploading them to the final site? Do we have to speak to
> someone else?

IIRC, Mark H Weaver (Cc’d) uploaded videos to audio-video.gnu.org in the
past.  Mark, would you be able/willing to upload these videos when
they’re final?

Someone else could eventually apply for membership to the ‘audio-video’
group on Savannah so that Mark is not a single point of failure.


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