Hello there,

almost three years ago, Ludovic asked me to become co-maintainer of GNU
Guix.  Every GNU package has at least one maintainer, whose role is to
represent the project in communications with the larger GNU project and
to keep an overview on planned activities, and to effectively guide the
project by fostering consensus within the developer community.

Over the past three years it has become evident that increasing the
number of maintainers was a good idea, especially for a project growing
as quickly as Guix.  For some time now both Ludovic and I have been in
agreement that we could do this again and extend the co-maintainership
to a *collective* of maintainers.

This would allow each of the maintainers to better concentrate on
selected sub-projects, and to increase the likelihood of having an
active co-maintainer around when other co-maintainers are unavailable.
We also hope that this change will decrease the importance of any
individual maintainer’s presence and attention, and eventually lead to a
more collective and perhaps representative way of arriving at decisions
and breaking ties when necessary.

The Guix project is very lucky to have attracted many people who have
contributed for years, who have repeatedly demonstrated the skills that
are desired in co-maintainers, and who share our vision for Guix as a
means to make the theoretical freedoms of free software a *practical*
reality for users of the GNU system.

If you already have commit rights, that’s because we trust your
expertise on parts of the code as well as your ability to further the
project goals, so we encourage you to consider joining the
co-maintainers collective.  If you do not have commit rights but you’ve
been following along and are familiar with the project, you might want
to consider joining as well!

You are welcome to write email to guix-maintain...@gnu.org to indicate
your interest and to request details.


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