
Joshua Branson 写道:
This is a tiny documentation fix. When I was having trouble a few days ago getting Icecat to display my fonts, I checked the manual and ran the command "fc-cache -f". It did successfully run, but I did not see any indication that it did anything. So I ran it repeatedly.

Such is the Unix way. You're supposed to feel the 0 in the air, or something.

Perhaps we should add the verbose option. This will signal to users
that the command is updating the font cache.

I also went ahead and changed command in the translated manuals as well.

While that probably works, we don't usually do this and it significantly bloats the diff. Don't bother.

Otherwise (and with a commit message) fine by me! This will also warn about problematic things like

 /var/cache/fontconfig: not cleaning unwritable cache directory

although they will be so buried in the output that nobody will see 'em.

Does you/anyone know if it would be useful to recommend ‘-rv’ instead of ‘-fv’? I always use ‘-r’: where ‘-f’ rewrites all cache files whether or not they are considered out of date, ‘-r’ also deletes them first, for good measure. I don't know whether it makes a difference in the real world.

Kind regards,


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