‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Thursday, October 10, 2019 7:22 PM, Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:

> > Your problem is that you published this statement to guix-devel. If you
> > don't mind, I'll forward your mail to gnu-system-discuss, which is the
> > appropriate mailing list.
> I don't mind.
> Guix developers published biased and factless defamation of RMS on Guix pages.

This is what they actually said: "GNU is not fulfilling its mission when the 
behavior of its leader alienates a large part of those we want to reach out to."

Which is true, and the funny thing is, it's true by your own admission as well. 
You said that people attacked RMS for his statement. What is that if not 
I've seen people publicly state that they'll cancel their membership and donate 
to Conservancy instead of FSF.
And there is this thread by a free software developer who helped draft GPLv3 

As far as I can tell, you have not disproven those statements, so I can only 
conclude that you either were not aware of them, which would mean that you did 
not actually look into the problem as deeply as you would want us to believe, 
or that you were aware of them, but dismissed them as insignificant, which 
would reflect badly on your value system.

And even before this incident, I've seen people say they don't want to get into 
free software because of Stallman's behaviour and because people defend him 
from any criticism.

Don't put Stallman on a pedestal, he is not perfect, and just because he 
founded GNU doesn't mean he should lead it forever or that he should have final 
say in everything.

ps.: sorry for writing this on the devel list, but there is so much vitriol 
against the core devs here already that I felt like I had to counterbalance it.

[1]: https://pleroma.site/notice/9nh9bWH6RbrQinMp1M

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