On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 11:57:22AM +0100, Andreas Enge wrote:
> Hello,
> On Wed, Nov 06, 2019 at 07:49:56AM +0100, pelzflorian (Florian Pelz) wrote:
> > Shall I rename python-zope-* to python-zope.*?
> the package naming guidelines say "replace underscores by hyphens".
> I would extend this to say "replace punctuation marks by (one) hyphen".
> Probably when we wrote the paragraph, the case had not presented
> itself yet. Similar things are done at least in perl, where the "::"
> of the module hierarchy is replaced by "-". Is this case analogous to
> python?

Not entirely, my understanding of Perl is that the double colon is part
of the namespacing of the language. In python the '.' is part of the
package name. I would also point out that for Go the '.' is effectively
part of the package name and we change them all to hyphens.

I think hyphens is the way to go here.

Efraim Flashner   <efr...@flashner.co.il>   אפרים פלשנר
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