Hi Guixers,

Personally I'm a GNU-lover and a Scheme-lover so it's obvious why I
would choose Guix over Nix.

However, currently at my workplace I'm trying to pitch Nix/Guix as a
better way of generating Docker container images, opposed to the impure
Dockerfile way of doing it.

(I've never really worked with Docker yet so my understanding is very
shallow; I hope what I'm saying makes sense.  My understanding is that
via Dockerfiles you generate images imperatively, and the results are
dependent on the state of the universe.  Yuck!)

So now the question is: given that Nix is older and thus probably more
mature, are there any non-subjective, non-ideological reasons to pick
Guix over Nix?

I've never worked with Nix, and neither have I messed with the more
spicy features of Guix yet (like 'guix deploy') so I really have no

What I've noticed so far though, is that things like "guix pack" and
"guix deploy" are baked right into Guix and very well documented,
whereas Googling how to do equivalent things with Nix seems to often
return results related to extra tools...  Am I just bad at looking up
Nix documentation?  Currently I have the impression that it would be
much easier to create Docker images with Guix than with Nix!  But maybe
that's wrong.

TL;DR: sell Guix (over Nix) to someone who doesn't care about GNU or

- Taylan

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