Hi Pierre,

Pierre Neidhardt <m...@ambrevar.xyz> skribis:

> One of the biggest struggle we had when discussing it was figuring out
> what to do about parameter propagation across dependencies.
> For instance, what if we want to build "all packages without X support"?
> This means that the parameter must traverse all inputs recursively if we
> don't want to drag X indirectly.
> If I understand your change correctly, the patch is only applying
> parameters to the given package and it's not propagated to the inputs,
> is that correct?

That’s correct: in this patch set parameters are per-package, and I
think it’s easier to start simple, but we could implement what you
describe without too much hassle I think.

For example, you’d type ‘--with-parameters=x11=false’, and that’d be
applied to all the packages that have an ‘x11’ parameter.


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