Hi Ludo,

On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 at 11:57, Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Despite being a first experience, the live event went very smoothly (for
> me at least, with ungoogled-chromium), it was great to see faces during
> the break :-), and the discussions were all exciting for me.  I agree
> it’d be great to have a blog post summarizing the event while it’s
> fresh, even if it’s concise because we were all busy listening and
> chatting instead of taking notes.

The blog post is coming…  Writing depends on the materials at hand; for
now nothing.

Could you send your Org file to guix-days? Because I only noted the
items that interested me.  Well, I volunteer to add words because it is
worth, IMHO.  Nothing is written on stone but from my point of view, it
is good to specify where Guix is eager to go more or less and especially
helpful for the future when looking back. :-)

BTW, initially the idea was to publish in this very blog post the links
of the talks on audio-video.gnu.org.  But, I am confused how to upload
them and the GNU folks behind have not answered to my email.  Anyway, it
is not a blocking and will be added later.

> I like the idea of having per-topic sub-rooms next time, presumably for
> a few select “hot topics”.  Some people asked whether a recording of the
> live event was available, and I think it might be a good idea to do that
> too.

When preparing, we discussed per-topic sub-room but the implementation
was vague.  Now, it is clearer, so definitively for the next one. :-)

About not recording, it was a conscientious choice.  We discussed it and
we agreed that not-recording seems more in the usual “unconference” Guix
style; especially discussions are freer when the words are not saved for
eternity and so take the floor should be less impressive.

Let revisit this topic for the next events.

All the best,

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