Hello all,

just for your information, our domain name guixsd.org will expire soon
(how many out there still remember that we own it?). We decided last year
to renew it for just one more year and to let it run out. 

So if we still have anything pointing there, it would be good to change
it now.


----- Forwarded message from Gandi <support-re...@gandi.net> -----

This email concerns the renewal of the domain name guixsd.org at Gandi, for 
which you are a contact via the username or organization "guix_europe". 

The entire world is currently going through a very turbulent period right now, 
and in light of this global public health crisis, we are aware that priorities 
are being reconsidered.

Nevertheless, it is important that we inform you that the domain name 
guixsd.org will expire at the Registry in 60 days, on 27 Jan 2021 21:39 UTC. 

If you would like to keep this domain, you must renew it before this date. The 
domain will be renewable at the normal price until 13 Mar 2021 11:39 UTC

IMPORTANT: if you miss the renewal deadline, your domain name will be deleted 
from our system on 13 Mar 2021 11:39 UTC. Its status will then change to 
"restorable" until 12 Apr 2021 21:39 UTC. Note, however, that the price of a 
restoration may be considerably higher than for a regular renewal.
----- End forwarded message -----

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