Hello Mark and Others!

Thank you for your concern.

I can tell you that those cosmetic changes I made were 100% irrational, useless 
and noisy.

I have clinical OCD [1] and ADHD [2], for which I regularly take Fluoxetine and 
Methylphenidate to keep things under control. Due to this, if the packages I am 
editing is not it in a specific way, I am unable to focus properly. That too, 
if I am working on multiple package definitions and if each pack-defs are 
arranged in different way, it is very very hard for me. I can tell you that 
these cosmetic changes are merely the product of my mental-illness and not of 
my mental-faculties.

Moving forward, I will try hard not to do this. But can I ask you all to allow 
these cosmetic commits for my existing projects (i.e. commits from wip-desktop 
and pidgin patch-set) please?

I understand that these commits were a burden to everyone and my sincere 
apologies for that.



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