
Vagrant Cascadian <vagr...@debian.org> skribis:

> So, a while back I mentioned that Guix was present in Debian
> "experimental":
>   https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2020-11/msg00254.html
> And it was useable for a brief window of time, but was broken due to
> some issues with guile-gnutls and guile-3.0:
>   https://bugs.debian.org/964284

Yeah, that’s an annoying issue in guile-gnutls awaiting a satisfactory fix:


If those following at home have a fresh mind and would like to give it a
spin, that’d be most welcome!

> Just a few days ago, I decided to attempt to get Guix into Debian's next
> release, and went with the fallback plan of building it against
> guile-2.2, and a few disabled tests later...
>   https://tracker.debian.org/guix
> If all goes well, it should migrate to "bullseye" in a few
> days. Hopefully in a few months "bullseye" will become Debian's stable
> release shipping with guix! Presumeably Guix will also eventually find
> itself in Ubuntu and other Debian derivatives...


> Now on Debian you should be able to:
>   apt install guix
>   guix install dpkg
>   guix environment --ad-hoc dpkg -- dpkg -i ./guix_1.2.0-3_amd64.deb
> It is almost like symmetry!

Now that’s impressive.  :-)

Someone on IRC recently asked whether one could use dpkg/apt on Guix
(Guix System, I assume).  What does it take to get dpkg working on Guix

Thank you!


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