
On 03/03/2021 11:05, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
Hi Magali,

Magali Lemes <magalileme...@gmail.com> skribis:

My Outreachy internship officially ends on March 2nd, next
Tuesday. It's been wonderful contributing to Guix, and I have learned
quite a lot in these last three months. This community is truly
welcoming, and the project is amazing.
Having said that, I would like to inform that you can see what I
worked on on the 'wip-guix-log' branch and also on my Gitlab
repository <gitlab.com/magalilemes/guix>. Invoking './pre-inst-env
guix git log --help' from there should tell you all the options and
what they do. In a previous email, I detailed the features as well:
<https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2021-01/msg00353.html>. Any
review and/or feedback is appreciated :D
Thank you, it was nice to have you on board!  Hopefully together with
Simon, Gábor (and maybe you!) we can review your work to integrate it
soonish.  There’s demand for this tool!

Fine, please let me know the next steps for reviewing and integrating it.

I hope it’s been a useful and pleasant experience and that it will allow
you to contribute to Guix or other free software projects in the future.
I think you’ve demonstrated the technical and social skills to be
successful at that.

It certainly was an awesome experience. Getting to know Guix and the people was definitely great.

Good luck with your future endeavors!

Thank you very much!



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