
All Python dependencies of core.sr.ht (which is required by all Python
components of Sourcehut) are now packaged, but it also has 2 npm
dependencies (clean-css and clean-css-cli), these are not yet packaged,
they have the following dependencies (flattened):
 * balanced-match
 * brace-expansion
 * clean-css
 * clean-css-cli
 * commander
 * concat-map
 * fs.realpath
 * glob
 * inflight
 * inherits
 * minimatch
 * once
 * path-is-absolute
 * source-map
 * wrappy (packaged as node-wrappy)

This is not very many dependencies compared to jQuery.

I have not looked at other sourcehut packages yet.

Ron Nazarov <noisyt...@disroot.org>

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