On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 21:08:08 +0100
Christopher Baines <m...@cbaines.net> wrote:

> I'm not quite sure what you mean by empty fields in the JSON here?

I mean now it appears like this in the json

hash-alg:       {}

Before, it was entirely omitted.
> It sounds like you're roughly on the right track, do share what
> changes you're making and then I can have a look.

This is the part I've changed on comparison.scm in the function

 (map (match-lambda
         ((output-name path hash-algorithm hash recursive
          (let ((parsed-derivation-ids
                 (map string->number
                      (parse-postgresql-array-string derivation_ids))))
            (list output-name
                  (if (string? hash-algorithm)
                  (if (string? hash)
                  (string=? recursive "t")
                  (append (if (memq base-derivation-id
                          (if (memq target-derivation-id
       (exec-query conn query))

Basically, I moved the hash-algorithm, hash, and recursive tests from
controller.scm here. I spent more time familiarizing with this part of
the code and the dataset. I don't have anything ready for the idea I
told you in the last email because I'm not so sure if that is the way
to go, but I can make some experiments in this regard.

Best Regards,

Luciana Lima Brito
MSc. in Computer Science

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