Hello rekado!

I saved your document in a file “doc.tex” and then ran this
> command successfully:
>     guix environment --pure --ad-hoc \
>       texlive-base \
>       texlive-url \
>       texlive-latex-hyperref \
>       texlive-fonts-ec \
>       texlive-lm \
>       texlive-babel-swedish \
>       texlive-pagenote \
>       texlive-ifmtarg \
>       texlive-morefloats \
>       texlive-sectsty -- pdflatex doc.tex
> This produces a PDF file “doc.pdf” with an almost empty page with
> the text “Notes”.

Thank you. My full document also builds now with the above environment. The
strange thing is that, just as you noted, even though all texlive-hyphen-{a
lot of european languages} are all installed my pdflatex outputs the

Package babel Warning: No hyphenation patterns were preloaded for
> (babel)                the language `Swedish' into the format.
> (babel)                Please, configure your TeX system to add them and
> (babel)                rebuild the format. Now I will use the patterns
> (babel)                preloaded for \language=0 instead on input line 49.

And in the document hyphenation is very much broken, either not breaking
words at all or breaking in the wrong places.

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