
Bone Baboon <bone.bab...@disroot.org> skribis:

> This is an article from Hyperbola about the Rust trademark. It claims
> that Rust has a freedom issue.
> <https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id=en:main:rusts_freedom_flaws>

(Side note: “freedom issue” is not a helpful term as it could mean all
sorts of things.)

The trademark discussion refers to
<https://issues.hyperbola.info/index.php?do=details&task_id=736>, which
dates back to 2018.

In recent years, Mozilla’s trademark policy changed, to the point that
distributions can use the name “Firefox” for packages they provide:


Before triggering an alarm, I would check what major distros, and Debian
in particular, are doing about Rust; I have not heard of any concerns so
far.  If the Rust trademark turns out to be a concern, distros should
try hard, collectively, to resolve it through dialog with Rust
Foundation people.

> If Rust does have a freedom issue then there is potential that it could
> have an impact on Linux-libre.  Recently there was a RFC for adding
> support for Rust to the Linux kernel
> <https://lkml.org/lkml/2021/4/14/1023>.  Linus Torvalds's response is
> here <https://lkml.org/lkml/2021/4/14/1099>.

That’s a somewhat different topic.  FWIW, I’m both excited at the idea
of having a memory-safe replacement for C gaining momentum, and
frightened by the prospects of Rust being this replacement, for many
reasons including: Rust does not have a good bootstrapping story, as we
know all too well, Cargo encourages sloppy package distribution à la
npm, Rust in the kernel would give a false sense of safety (it’s still
that big monolithic blob!), and the Rust community is very much

Guix, related projects such as Mes, Gash, and the Shepherd, together
with the Hurd, offer a very different and (to me) more appealing vision
for a user-empowering, safer, more robust, and yet POSIX-compliant OS.


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