On 2021-10-21, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> For the last couple years guix has been applying simple workarounds in
> u-boot packages to disable the features that required openssl due to
> GPL/openssl license incompatibilities.
> I made an attempt at updating guix to u-boot 2021.10, which seems to
> have made openssl harder to workaround... many of the u-boot-BOARD
> packages now require it, and the previous workarounds to disable openssl
> in u-boot-tools seem ineffective.
> I see a few ways forward:
> * Dig deeper into figuring out how to disable the workarounds...
> * Refactor the code that uses openssl to use an alternate
>   implementation. Upstream would welcome the fixes, at least in
>   theory. Most promising candidate might be wolfssl, last I looked, but
>   it may miss some features.
> * Convince upstream u-boot to relicense relevent GPLed portions of code
>   with an openssl exception. Upstream is dubious about this being
>   practical, largely due to the sheer number of potential contributors
>   who would have to agree to it.

* Disable substitutes for relevent packages. Technically correct as
  license incompatibility is only triggered on transmission of binary,
  though maybe missing something about the spirit of the GPL.

live well,

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