Hi Maxim,

> I've grown to like our apparent lack of structure; we interact globally
> on any topic of interest and the discussions all happen in a shared
> space, which makes it easy to stay informed with everything that's going
> on (do we really need more mailing lists to follow?  I don't think so --
> our current volume doesn't warrant it).
to me this is a disadvantage. I don’t have enough time at my hands to
look at every single thread and patch in my inbox and decide whether
I can/want to work on it. Thus I’d prefer if I could unsubscribe
from -patches (I’m not even subscribed to -bug/-commit) and instead
only look at bugs/patches/commits related to packages/components I’m
interested into/I actually use.

To that end having more structure would help. Teams are just one option,
but we need a way to efficiently connect people with skills to review/help
with those who need the review/help. This sounds similar to what
Gentoo’s Bug Wranglers[1] do. I believe someone brought up to automate
this by suggesting reviewers for patches based on the commit history
of packages/components.

[1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Bug-wranglers


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