I see. Thank you very much for this piece of information ! And I'm
relieved to know everything is fine with the UMC Utrecht instance.

Le Fri, 7 Jan 2022 00:13:40 +0530,
Sai Karthik <kskart...@disroot.org> a écrit :

> You could also obtain the json file from
> https://guix.gnu.org/packages.json
> On 05/01/22 13:08, Tissevert wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > This JSON file sounds nice and useful. By the way, it may only be a
> > transient error but the instance of hpcguix-web running at UMC
> > Utrecht mentioned in the github repos seems to be down
> > (https://hpcguix.op.umcutrecht.nl/). Is it supposed to be so ?
> > 
> > Tissevert
> > 
> > Le Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:27:56 +0100,
> > Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> a écrit :
> >   
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> Sai Karthik <kskart...@disroot.org> skribis:
> >>  
> >>> Nice! I didn't knew about this earlier. Does hpc.guix.info exposes
> >>> API ?  
> >>
> >> It runs hpcguix-web¹, which exposes a big (but gzipped) JSON file
> >> at <https://hpc.guix.info/packages.json>.  Everything else happens
> >> in client-side JavaScript code.
> >>
> >> Ludo’.
> >>
> >> ¹ https://github.com/UMCUGenetics/hpcguix-web
> >>  
> >   

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