On Wed 30 Mar 2022 11:37, Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> writes:

>> scheme@(guile-user)> (container-contents '())
>> ice-9/boot-9.scm:1685:16: In procedure raise-exception:
>> In procedure struct-vtable: Wrong type argument in position 1
> scheme@(guile-user)> ,use(srfi srfi-9)
> scheme@(guile-user)> (define-record-type <foo>
>                      (make-foo x)
>                      foo?
>                      (x foo-x))
> scheme@(guile-user)> ,optimize (foo-x '())
> $9 = (if (eq? (struct-vtable '()) <foo>)
>   (struct-ref '() 0)
>   (throw 'wrong-type-arg
>          'foo-x
>          "Wrong type argument: ~S"
>          (list '())
>          (list '())))
> With Guile 3, it might be that adding an extra ‘struct?’ test would have
> little effect on performance; we’d need to check.

Would have no effect.

Incidentally, you might want to use ,optimize-cps;

  scheme@(guile-user)> ,optimize (foo-x '())
  $9 = (if (eq? (struct-vtable '()) <foo>)
    (struct-ref '() 0)
    (throw 'wrong-type-arg
           "Wrong type argument: ~S"
           (list '())
           (list '())))
  scheme@(guile-user)> ,optimize-cps (foo-x '())
  L0:                                           ;               at 
    v0 := self
    v1 := const ()                              ; arg           at 
    throw throw/value+data[#(wrong-type-arg "struct-vtable" "Wrong type 
argument in position 1 (expecting struct): ~S")](v1) ;  at <unknown>:15:14

L1(...) means, pass all values to L1.  In this case because there are
varargs on the stack from the procedure call.  L1 parses them with the
receive().  Anyway, here we see that with respect to the immediate '(),
that all the tests folded.  If we instead lift to a procedure:

  scheme@(guile-user)> ,optimize-cps (lambda (x) (foo-x x))
  L0:                                           ;               at 
    v0 := self
    v1 := current-module()                      ; module        at 
    cache-set![0](v1)                           ;               at 
    v2 := const-fun L7                          ; _ 
    return v2                                   ;               at 

  L7:                                           ;               at 
    v3 := self
    v4 := receive(x)                            ; x 
    heap-object?(v4) ? L10() : L38()            ;               at 
    struct?(v4) ? L11() : L38()                 ;               at 
    throw throw/value+data[#(wrong-type-arg "struct-vtable" "Wrong type 
argument in position 1 (expecting struct): ~S")](v4) ;  at <unknown>:16:26
    v5 := scm-ref/tag[struct](v4)               ; vtable        at 
    v6 := cache-ref[(0 . <foo>)]()              ; cached        at 
    heap-object?(v6) ? L19() : L14()            ;               at 
    L20(v6)                                     ;               at 
    v7 := cache-ref[0]()                        ; mod           at 
    v8 := const <foo>                           ; name          at 
    v9 := lookup-bound(v7, v8)                  ; var           at 
    cache-set![(0 . <foo>)](v9)                 ;               at 
    L20(v9)                                     ;               at 
  L20(v10):                                     ; box 
    v11 := scm-ref/immediate[(box . 1)](v10)    ; arg           at 
    eq?(v5, v11) ? L22() : L37()                ;               at 
    throw throw/value+data[#(wrong-type-arg foo-x "Wrong type argument: 
~S")](v4) ;  at <unknown>:16:26
    v12 := word-ref/immediate[(struct . 6)](v5) ; rfields       at 
    v13 := v12                                  ; nfields       at 
    imm-u64-<[0](v13) ? L25() : L35()           ;               at 
    v21 := const 0                              ; _             at 
    throw throw/value+data[#(out-of-range "struct-ref/immediate" "Argument 2 
out of range: ~S")](v21) ;  at <unknown>:16:26
    v14 := pointer-ref/immediate[(struct . 7)](v5) ; ptr        at 
    v15 := load-u64[0]()                        ; word          at 
    v16 := u32-ref[bitmask](v5, v14, v15)       ; bits          at 
    v17 := load-u64[1]()                        ; mask          at 
    v18 := ulogand(v17, v16)                    ; res           at 
    u64-imm-=[0](v18) ? L31() : L33()           ;               at 
    v20 := const 0                              ; _             at 
    throw throw/value+data[#(wrong-type-arg "struct-ref/immediate" "Wrong type 
argument in position 2 (expecting boxed field): ~S")](v20) ;  at <unknown>:16:26
    v19 := scm-ref/immediate[(struct . 1)](v4)  ; val           at 
    return v19                                  ;               at 

Here we see the first procedure which is the thunk that wraps the
expression.  Then in the beginning of the procedure at L7 you can see
there is a check for struct?, which has to be dominated by a true
heap-object? check.  Duplicate checks are elided.  So if SRFI-9 added a
`struct?` check it wouldn't be more code; rather it would be less,
actually, because instead of branching to L38, you'd branch to L37.

Too bad about all that other crap about checking whether the index is in
range and the field is boxed or not, though :-/  Probably there is a
better design...


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