Hi everyone,

Just so you know, there's this 'purge-python2-packages' branch that does
away with quite a few Python 2 packages.  It greatly reduces the Python
2 dependency graph of Python 2 packages, without totally eliminating it

Here's the list of removed packages, obtained with

"git log origin/purge-python2-packages...origin/master --oneline --grep='gnu: 

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
bcb9b1689f gnu: Remove python2-pytest-cov.
426e945a3e gnu: Remove python2-called-python.
4963a61644 gnu: Remove python-prompt-toolkit-2.
39ca4b0895 gnu: Remove python2-setuptools.
42b923915b gnu: Remove python2-checkm-genome.
2b25c71b1c gnu: Remove python2-backports-csv.
ddde4dedff gnu: Remove python2-fonttools.
63445163fa gnu: Remove python2-py.
ee4f035c2c gnu: Remove python2-pyparsing.
633b0846dd gnu: Remove python2-setuptools-scm.
799022b040 gnu: Remove python2-six-bootstrap.
473c00f17e gnu: Remove python2-pyxdg.
c652b8ce97 gnu: Remove python2-wcwidth.
f528943a13 gnu: Remove python2-pyyaml.
b68c90e347 gnu: Remove python2-nose.
43f57f04ff gnu: Remove python2-attrs-bootstrap.
8102195b97 gnu: Remove python2-libxml2.
90b63ad7a6 gnu: Remove 4store.
2c51888c32 gnu: Remove python2-pyfakefs-bootstrap.
ea7af59a5e gnu: Remove python2-cython.
6b3c3c383d gnu: Remove python2-lirc.
c7abbbf24c gnu: Remove python2-tlsh.
c4fd72dc2f gnu: Remove python2-more-itertools.
e7dafd7fdb gnu: Remove gnome-doc-utils.
ae2cd32bf4 gnu: Remove python2-libmpsse.
d256f68b1a gnu: Remove python2-lxml.
f90acf5982 gnu: Remove vtk-6.
021daaae36 gnu: Remove python2-appdirs.
87382d2c97 gnu: Remove python2-enum34.
cd97147785 gnu: Remove boost-with-python2.
82655b3665 gnu: Remove libpng-1.2.
9c83be6d09 gnu: Remove rapicorn.
f7f51c8aa5 gnu: Remove beast.
64d7097f72 gnu: Remove python2-linecache2.
403c9a8bd6 gnu: Remove python2-traceback2.
f26e596977 gnu: Remove python2-unittest2.
8edc2ca792 gnu: Remove python2-sortedcontainers.
280160e6fe gnu: Remove python2-funcsigs.
9864dd74e6 gnu: Remove python2-functools32.
8bea025529 gnu: Remove python2-hypothesis.
2500d57fe8 gnu: Remove python2-mock.
8dcbf523e8 gnu: Remove python2-pysqlite.
ad11abe73a gnu: Remove fraggenescan.
001dcfe351 gnu: Remove python2-olefile.
f313590b9c gnu: Remove python2-pillow.
46c19049ce gnu: Remove python2-seaborn.
c94cc00653 gnu: Remove python2-iso8601.
cec9ad5412 gnu: Remove python2-pytz.
9923879424 gnu: Remove python2-pretend.
0f3106740f gnu: Remove python2-idna.
60999d1cec gnu: Remove python2-backport-ssl-match-hostname.
f90fcfa33d gnu: Remove python2-scandir.
067338674a gnu: Remove python2-ipaddress.
ecde6fb0f3 gnu: Remove python2-asn1crypto.
acc9331f64 gnu: Remove python2-cryptography-vectors.
d6e92d91e4 gnu: Remove python2-cffi.
80cd6bd92b gnu: Remove python2-coverage.
34632df3ad gnu: Remove python2-dateutil.
4288a209a0 gnu: Remove python2-contextlib2.
a9352dfd8c gnu: Remove python2-typing.
4553ce8c44 gnu: Remove python2-pathlib2.
f31fe6b464 gnu: Remove python2-cryptography.
8c271b7b36 gnu: Remove python2-flaky.
1b11565908 gnu: Remove python2-backports-functools-lru-cache.
806dee732c gnu: Remove python2-pysocks.
15f7284ca1 gnu: Remove python2-importlib-resources.
37e6c0cce1 gnu: Remove python2-configparser.
ff7906505e gnu: Remove python2-unidecode.
2e1f0db2ef gnu: Remove python2-pyopenssl.
5a553edb4b gnu: Remove python2-certifi.
45bb3af633 gnu: Remove python2-zipp.
1762727626 gnu: Remove python2-packaging-bootstrap.
e0d0dda357 gnu: Remove python2-freezegun.
01fbe51039 gnu: Remove python2-wxpython.
c4eecc10bb gnu: Remove python2-sphinxcontrib-websupport.
3c2fce40af gnu: Remove python2-sphinx-alabaster-theme.
80e4e36445 gnu: Remove python2-pyicu.
d63d7f941a gnu: Remove python2-importlib-metadata.
7736e3b727 gnu: Remove python2-atomicwrites.
1fa434063f gnu: Remove python2-soupsieve.
7e6555826e gnu: Remove python2-pylev.
4ea894581c gnu: Remove python2-simplejson.
c2c6b933bc gnu: Remove python2-pyaml.
803f6252e4 gnu: Remove python2-levenshtein.
2f5ca3eb6f gnu: Remove python2-babel.
fbe609158c gnu: Remove python2-imagesize.
3624fd07d4 gnu: Remove python2-chardet.
1fe6e8fe45 gnu: Remove python2-markupsafe.
1484188321 gnu: Remove python2-urllib3.
e4acbdffcb gnu: Remove python2-webencodings.
315b565c1e gnu: Remove python2-pastel.
8ce7494431 gnu: Remove python2-vobject.
0dc76a6463 gnu: Remove python2-twodict.
1f82af14b5 gnu: Remove python2-jinja2.
df863c18f5 gnu: Remove python2-diff-match-patch.
64c7814b47 gnu: Remove python2-urwid.
a37c26a173 gnu: Remove python2-backpack.
bc30e08839 gnu: Remove python2-packaging.
08216338a6 gnu: Remove python2-snowballstemmer.
eb77c6aa62 gnu: Remove python2-funcsigs-bootstrap.
56e84700e2 gnu: Remove python2-clikit.
32b1f9f190 gnu: Remove python2-beautifulsoup4.
fa9c9305a2 gnu: Remove python2-decorator.
1b34fff0e4 gnu: Remove python2-docopt.
b9a8dd6a5e gnu: Remove python2-bottle.
6870c2c22c gnu: Remove python2-requests.
7387002a45 gnu: Remove python2-zinnia.
76ed5d930b gnu: Remove python2-pycairo.
4dbde1c79e gnu: Remove python2-pluggy.
1c3fd8dc58 gnu: Remove python2-pytest.
f5181cd9dd gnu: Remove python2-pygobject.
7de0fa0bf1 gnu: Remove python2-pytest-runner.
3bf7abf5c4 gnu: Remove python2-pygtk.
0de757c111 gnu: Remove python2-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size.
7b18c40c97 gnu: Remove python2-pytest-mock.
bf82b2d2b4 gnu: Remove python2-rsvg.
6e4216fc7d gnu: Remove python2-pyatspi.
61b3e8003d gnu: Remove python2-pyxb.
bbae772573 gnu: Remove python2-i3-py.
dcaf7e7863 gnu: Remove wicd.
5d9078ef44 gnu: Remove python2-clf.
438b69938c gnu: Remove python2-feedparser.
fe774910b8 gnu: Remove youtube-dl-gui.
b07e43af56 gnu: Remove python2-pyrfc3339.
34ecd62ffa gnu: Remove python2-isodate.
6b02974ca2 gnu: Remove python2-pympler.
7989cbef9c gnu: Remove python2-pyflakes.
6ca5bcd99a gnu: Remove python2-subprocess32.
5997ecf134 gnu: Remove python2-translate-toolkit.
80ccd9406b gnu: Remove python2-docutils.
e5b4610145 gnu: Remove python2-sphinx.
06371aeb43 gnu: Remove python2-pytidylib.
8dcee4401d gnu: Remove python2-cysignals.
5dbab763b7 gnu: Remove python2-mistune.
53ce857612 gnu: Remove python2-future.
84d29f5bd5 gnu: Remove python2-cycler.
1ec4616c70 gnu: Remove python2-pyserial.
c6de820ab3 gnu: Remove python2-pycodestyle.
471cd3ab77 gnu: Remove python2-networkx.
a1ecd5f3fd gnu: Remove python2-mccabe.
92a359cd03 gnu: Remove python2-entrypoints.
ae8525131f gnu: Remove python2-cleo.
a1837bbc5b gnu: Remove python2-pycurl.
547655d72a gnu: Remove python2-cookies.
3d56bc898e gnu: Remove python2-kiwisolver.
9c79ba6464 gnu: Remove python2-ufolib.
261d26ea8a gnu: Remove python2-pysam.
c569c9895c gnu: Remove python2-numpydoc.
7eed57d9e0 gnu: Remove python2-scipy.
1118d39165 gnu: Remove python2-numpy.
d765777d4e gnu: Remove python2-matplotlib.
d5f544598f gnu: Remove find-circ.
adc1dc15a6 gnu: Remove gess.
e91b324871 gnu: Remove python2-defcon.
da79dec945 gnu: Remove python2-tzdata.
16c6fdfa1a gnu: Remove python2-aniso8601.
a50e78ec58 gnu: Remove python2-parsedatetime.
7c06fdedc6 gnu: Remove python2-monotonic.
0051d9b2cd gnu: Remove virtaal.
9258a0a2ee gnu: Remove python2-blessings.
62cbc46235 gnu: Remove python2-pyte.
97acfa7206 gnu: Remove rawdog.
fead5f7252 gnu: Remove python2-patsy.
c33e4da036 gnu: Remove python2-pyscard.
aa6ab586cf gnu: Remove python2-cypari2.
16ac68f1c4 gnu: Remove python2-gmpy2.
7acd7ada4e gnu: Remove python2-rdflib.
8262a244dc gnu: Remove chirp.
fddda51f43 gnu: Remove python2-pyasn1.
dcc0702941 gnu: Remove python2-virtualenv.
663e194e2d gnu: Remove python2-flake8.
875d1a66af gnu: Remove python2-ptyprocess.
d3e5661c2b gnu: Remove python2-parse-type.
0b88c9720f gnu: Remove python2-mechanize.
82f170711b gnu: Remove python2-pyld.
a4929d9495 gnu: Remove python2-ukpostcodeparser.
3ce6550ede gnu: Remove python2-setuptools-scm-git-archive.
a9c4ad1637 gnu: Remove python2-socksipy-branch.
17192751eb gnu: Remove python2-regex.
36eea9f897 gnu: Remove python2-pep8.
d1b90db505 gnu: Remove python2-stemming.
5c69f9d194 gnu: Remove python2-semantic-version.
f445ed77d2 gnu: Remove python2-jsonpointer.
ba59323223 gnu: Remove python2-rfc3987.
85b19734d5 gnu: Remove python2-jdcal.
c200cdf877 gnu: Remove python2-m2r.
9d6d4a1fca gnu: Remove python2-et-xmlfile.
b9e6e00ad1 gnu: Remove python2-futures.
6ebc61778f gnu: Remove python2-pylzma.
8088fa0189 gnu: Remove python2-pbkdf2.
5c790ab974 gnu: Remove python2-pkgconfig.
2912c4297f gnu: Remove python2-attrs.
dc8984aac3 gnu: Remove python2-sure.
e8ff9509e7 gnu: Remove python2-pyrsistent.
416cc40464 gnu: Remove python2-waf.
5b6fd755c1 gnu: Remove python2-singledispatch.
bc6c264914 gnu: Remove python2-backports-abc.
247bd93004 gnu: Remove python2-requests-file.
c740e44a73 gnu: Remove python2-astor.
63110d1f6d gnu: Remove python2-lazy-object-proxy.
de0acf8e51 gnu: Remove python2-pyro.
f4d214abd7 gnu: Remove python2-responses.
c161efe491 gnu: Remove python2-zope-event.
548903c2b8 gnu: Remove python2-zope-testing.
0d7302780c gnu: Remove python2-wheel.
0132ce22ea gnu: Remove python2-graphviz.
c4c4c2c774 gnu: Remove python2-schema-0.5.
cd82e23024 gnu: Remove python2-fuzzywuzzy.
69e8da0241 gnu: Remove python2-setproctitle.
555cd16979 gnu: Remove python2-validate-email.
ba50df59c1 gnu: Remove python2-openpyxl.
80285ef189 gnu: Remove python2-whoosh.
0a5e5f7f90 gnu: Remove python2-pathlib.
6cfb2451bd gnu: Remove python2-rst.linker.
ae6096c2be gnu: Remove python2-q.
689ea9b457 gnu: Remove python2-pep517.
b7858bd77f gnu: Remove python2-constantly.
b286582702 gnu: Remove python2-clyent.
d2361bbc73 gnu: Remove python2-urwidtrees.
489a753b3a gnu: Remove python2-djvulibre.
f691c13d28 gnu: Remove python2-tempdir.
dda27125ae gnu: Remove python2-psutil.
bebf7935e3 gnu: Remove python2-pyroute2.
5917a0d87b gnu: Remove python2-elib.intl.
1caa5d5df2 gnu: Remove python2-flake8-polyfill.
1c0b8fde14 gnu: Remove python2-colorama.
edf4c3ab86 gnu: Remove python2-h5py.
d89911b541 gnu: Remove python2-xlrd.
ff75af2610 gnu: Remove python2-pyasn1-modules.
5024a01bed gnu: Remove python2-wrapt.
d660d7a561 gnu: Remove python2-fusepy.
e07ce824e5 gnu: Remove python2-magic.
a8336e8053 gnu: Remove python2-dogtail.
e31daeeef5 gnu: Remove python2-couleur.
306af6875c gnu: Remove python2-pexpect.
894b3546c3 gnu: Remove python2-mando.
0c5c031364 gnu: Remove python2-automat.
547c808547 gnu: Remove python2-scientific.
663b289abd gnu: Remove python2-execnet.
7fda55a6f3 gnu: Remove python2-inflection.
977a54d99b gnu: Remove python2-extras.
7b71ebe60a gnu: Remove python2-vcversioner.
5f0ea45200 gnu: Remove python2-parso.
d91f2e393e gnu: Remove python2-pydiff.
1fb7ee6230 gnu: Remove python2-notify2.
3706840387 gnu: Remove python2-tldextract.
d5d0e02ecd gnu: Remove python2-zope-interface.
8ab9897aaf gnu: Remove python2-tornado.
4cb4e47cc6 gnu: Remove python2-cloudpickle.
b877de12cf gnu: Remove python2-cram.
e63aa0378f gnu: Remove python2-joblib.
58e536051c gnu: Remove python2-element-tree.
11b7317def gnu: Remove python2-msgpack.
a6a7d69ed0 gnu: Remove python2-pyinotify.
6446484ef9 gnu: Remove python2-netifaces.
a36725b07a gnu: Remove python2-zope-exceptions.
353f8c7216 gnu: Remove python2-pytest-xdist.
6e52123694 gnu: Remove python2-jsonpatch-0.4.
2043b73458 gnu: Remove python2-markdown.
cb9b05a3cd gnu: Remove python2-tabulate.
847fa6a696 gnu: Remove python2-qrcode.
1e2306d142 gnu: Remove python2-pysnptools.
54e940d11b gnu: Remove python2-xlib.
9fab3993cf gnu: Remove python2-zope-testrunner.
0fad2d8270 gnu: Remove python-prompt-toolkit-1.
1a47c8edc6 gnu: Remove python2-ansi2html.
3aeddf97b9 gnu: Remove python2-jsonpatch.
ae1403dc6a gnu: Remove python2-zope-i18nmessageid.
9afb1f234e gnu: Remove python2-locket.
69d58bc8da gnu: Remove ptpython-2.
d1437878f0 gnu: Remove python2-pyclipper.
7628c781f8 gnu: Remove python2-zope-schema.
d2bc61548e gnu: Remove python2-dnspython-1.16.
2ad8e4d453 gnu: Remove python2-simplegeneric.
61f873bdab gnu: Remove python2-texttable.
757d5194c4 gnu: Remove python2-numexpr.
3c5b74af40 gnu: Remove python2-flex.
6f9b6ee0d6 gnu: Remove python2-consul.
14a5fdc8e3 gnu: Remove python2-humanfriendly.
079becb01e gnu: Remove python2-autopep8.
16aab9f97f gnu: Remove python2-ipaddr.
a3000d4945 gnu: Remove python2-feedgenerator.
fea80b7e10 gnu: Remove python2-rfc3986.
5cd02f2a98 gnu: Remove python2-dirsync.
d5aec1d24d gnu: Remove python2-booleanoperations.
7503292d2b gnu: Remove python2-termcolor.
e767b757a9 gnu: Remove python2-blinker.
d17bf9f3c0 gnu: Remove python2-ruamel.ordereddict.
98d62cda0e gnu: Remove python2-cheetah.
de42cb1a65 gnu: Remove python2-binaryornot.
593a04d83e gnu: Remove python2-mpmath.
acb3ddb360 gnu: Remove python2-misaka.
2df28c0856 gnu: Remove python2-yapf.
21509da83e gnu: Remove python2-objgraph.
443d909903 gnu: Remove python2-zope-proxy.
31d2f59ed4 gnu: Remove python2-protobuf.
93fe32872d gnu: Remove python2-pygame-sdl2.
e3eecc9742 gnu: Remove python2-coverage-test-runner.
08411715ae gnu: Remove python2-mimeparse.
469218b346 gnu: Remove python2-radon.
c59da2d209 gnu: Remove python2-waitress.
fa19546dd9 gnu: Remove python2-steadymark.
a4608a9489 gnu: Remove python2-incremental.
ffa2a9417a gnu: Remove python2-serpent.
a6d61ddf75 gnu: Remove python2-rply.
a815383182 gnu: Remove python2-pystache.
f2fd5cc450 gnu: Remove python2-ttystatus.
c7b8175490 gnu: Remove python2-bz2file.
19c75c9b58 gnu: Remove python2-pybugz.
548a92ee66 gnu: Remove python2-sympy.
38e3d5961d gnu: Remove python2-drmaa.
fdde60b919 gnu: Remove python2-capturer.
87ace55ef5 gnu: Remove python2-pyev.
c1eff66145 gnu: Remove python2-xcffib.
75bd672b8d gnu: Remove python2-blosc.
f553b3c6e3 gnu: Remove python2-whatever.
74c59eb2f8 gnu: Remove python2-grako.
8c8e68f675 gnu: Remove python2-rsa.
e6aa61418b gnu: Remove python2-schematics.
65f2188722 gnu: Remove python2-distutils-extra.
57fca50855 gnu: Remove python2-pyjwt.
9ca945e642 gnu: Remove python2-email-validator.
36b6db8933 gnu: Remove python2-botocore.
b6e4b66792 gnu: Remove python2-zeroconf.
2dbccae9fb gnu: Remove python2-xdo.
2cfcd3c578 gnu: Remove python2-ua-parser.
27d6ca7878 gnu: Remove python2-schedule.
4f5abbc131 gnu: Remove python2-pip.
37f1f89d67 gnu: Remove python2-args.
54869cbbb5 gnu: Remove python2-schema.
0a021ec867 gnu: Remove python2-gyp.
a4b602f175 gnu: Remove python2-reparser.
780c66e0be gnu: Remove python2-pynamecheap.
a01aedb4be gnu: Remove python2-random2.
ea21109821 gnu: Remove python2-zope-location.
530a679d41 gnu: Remove python2-zope-component.
fb19209ca8 gnu: Remove python2-httplib2.
a7bae566a5 gnu: Remove python2-ecdsa.
b13af7a6f6 gnu: Remove python2-ecpy.
28f6d1495d gnu: Remove python2-axolotl.
26dcf1be7f gnu: Remove python2-pypdf.
34f7b9d499 gnu: Remove python2-notmuch.
78717e2d24 gnu: Remove python2-hidapi.
d9222a85d8 gnu: Remove python2-pygame.
e92b2f58d0 gnu: Remove python2-mnemonic.
7f5a85ce20 gnu: Remove python2-efl.
1b967adc02 gnu: Remove python2-sqlalchemy.
eace5792b0 gnu: Remove python2-nosexcover.
aee0e7eb46 gnu: Remove python2-pyliblo.
f98d97d9c5 gnu: Remove python2-isort.
b3cfb9cfe3 gnu: Remove python2-smmap.
e96af7b46c gnu: Remove python2-tblib.
aa8680d7bd gnu: Remove python2-isoweek.
ed2c0b2e0a gnu: Remove python2-translitcodec.
9e5ca4f1eb gnu: Remove python2-jsonrpclib.
d05901a589 gnu: Remove python2-prettytable.
09cdcfab32 gnu: Remove python2-ratelimiter.
dff4f9e51a gnu: Remove python2-user-agents.
f2b1a12232 gnu: Remove python2-pycountry.
a22d3d25bb gnu: Remove python2-munch.
27b00d2d28 gnu: Remove python2-jsonrpclib-pelix.
355072190c gnu: Remove python2-file.
e7b5a2af46 gnu: Remove python2-quex.
3d9b2dca45 gnu: Remove python2-xopen.
b00ae9e7b1 gnu: Remove python2-libarchive-c.
ff9e15e3fc gnu: Remove python2-anyjson.
52d82e6f75 gnu: Remove python2-tracing.
2773ca9fd2 gnu: Remove python2-phonenumbers.
bea19c9a87 gnu: Remove python2-funcy.
b21a273b70 gnu: Remove python2-glob2.
b1f861a0c3 gnu: Remove python2-verboselogs.
8b08ef2ea2 gnu: Remove python2-configobj.
106b67796a gnu: Remove python2-semver.
1debe9fe82 gnu: Remove python2-miniboa.
2d9da493b3 gnu: Remove python2-pycosat.
ff448814d0 gnu: Remove python2-validictory.
77bb2be1f6 gnu: Remove python2-invoke.
0e274cf763 gnu: Remove python2-text-unidecode.
ca05a6c22c gnu: Remove python2-cliapp.
f8d6db4502 gnu: Remove python2-unicodecsv.
59d062bfe3 gnu: Remove python2-shedskin.
c216fc6ba3 gnu: Remove python2-dns-lexicon.
5c7ebf7fc7 gnu: Remove python2-kitchen.
721d95ff49 gnu: Remove python2-editor.
7ca19cface gnu: Remove python2-prompt-toolkit.
d344fdc290 gnu: Remove python2-kazoo.
7d258c6981 gnu: Remove python2-kivy.
77257f2a74 gnu: Remove python2-netaddr.
f7e1a06ddc gnu: Remove python2-quex-0.67.3.
838704a47d gnu: Remove python2-polib.
290ad4b6bd gnu: Remove python2-mako.
264da3790b gnu: Remove python2-colorspacious.
c9d6eaabcf gnu: Remove python2-parallel.
4a1d5918df gnu: Remove python2-rencode.
063881eced gnu: Remove python2-argparse.
8d53653424 gnu: Remove python2-activepapers.
cb4c0ea0b5 gnu: Remove python2-exif-read.
e4935b8c6a gnu: Remove python2-clint.
02e2e04cb9 gnu: Remove python2-s3cmd.
12569076dd gnu: Remove python2-mmtk.
c9e2fd5b3e gnu: Remove python2-pkginfo.
23c9c2a74a gnu: Remove python2-argcomplete.
0384b1e82e gnu: Remove python2-uniseg.
562476c327 gnu: Remove python2-enum.
99dd772457 gnu: Remove python2-straight-plugin.
953a085294 gnu: Remove python2-pythondialog.
b875716b3c gnu: Remove python2-coloredlogs.
29c60dfaad gnu: Remove python2-ipython-genutils.
a8f2c5e817 gnu: Remove python2-readlike.
9fcf5afb67 gnu: Remove python2-webob.
e845d85e69 gnu: Remove python2-genshi.
a200aa172f gnu: Remove python2-pastedeploy.
54761511ad gnu: Remove python2-betamax.
9db97ac435 gnu: Remove python2-rauth.
40e6d84c5a gnu: Remove python2-oauthlib.
65cb021ed3 gnu: Remove python2-zope-security.
4f31755f27 gnu: Remove python2-sockjs-tornado.
823555a61d gnu: Remove python2-zope-configuration.
7d88ac3f31 gnu: Remove python2-oauth2client.
104d21799e gnu: Remove python2-weave.
474e41fae4 gnu: Remove python2-pycryptodome.
72f6e59733 gnu: Remove python2-m2crypto.
8eac4da487 gnu: Remove python2-josepy.
fe753ddf29 gnu: Remove python2-slowaes.
9e17354b18 gnu: Remove python2-pyaes.
51bbe994b2 gnu: Remove python2-axolotl-curve25519.
bdbc36d22a gnu: Remove python2-pycrypto.
e9cd4c3903 gnu: Remove python2-ed25519.
48354884a4 gnu: Remove python2-service-identity.
282a9133da gnu: Remove python2-lzo.
e2f2e1f2ed gnu: Remove python2-lzstring.
92ccb4d101 gnu: Remove python2-lz4.
ae53f46b94 gnu: Remove pulseaudio-dlna.
91256e8d29 gnu: Remove python2-reportlab.
1bb067118d gnu: Remove python2-pypdf2.
ba9396c5ec gnu: Remove patches.
fdeeb29e2e gnu: Remove sala.
3614d66a60 gnu: Remove python2-ipy.
02f6e7fabd gnu: Remove non-mixer.
63cd2d28ac gnu: Remove non-timeline.
12931a06b9 gnu: Remove gtklick.
76403b12a1 gnu: Remove mloop.
c8aba3b427 gnu: Remove python2-pyechonest.
e341dcc48a gnu: Remove python2-musicbrainzngs.
6a6c536274 gnu: Remove python2-mailmanclient.
206f5f55b2 gnu: Remove python2-autograd.
b6f3b6de5b gnu: Remove python2-pyusb.
f59f0db1c7 gnu: Remove python2-tegaki-recognize.
10cc5b675c gnu: Remove key-mon.
6e80afbb78 gnu: Remove python2-iso639.
b3aab7e062 gnu: Remove python2-iso3166.
4a20625521 gnu: Remove h-client.
0f52156c98 gnu: Remove python2-pydot.
f0f8e3df7d gnu: Remove python2-pygpgme.
35e63dac70 gnu: Remove python2-gpg.
cecaeb71aa gnu: Remove slingshot.
9056be1072 gnu: Remove python2-tmx.
1ac1fe6ff3 gnu: Remove python2-keepkey.
3d54ac2b84 gnu: Remove python2-ledgerblue.
fc8ecfd0ec gnu: Remove python2-stdnum.
b86265820e gnu: Remove lekha.
0ff52e8a7c gnu: Remove python2-capstone.
1e89fe6dff gnu: Remove childsplay.
e9a2d241c2 gnu: Remove omnitux.
9e7633b05e gnu: Remove djvusmooth.
780266d848 gnu: Remove python2-pickleshare.
8d6e092451 gnu: Remove python2-pyodbc.
2e5d3087e3 gnu: Remove python2-pytest-warnings.
2082f3f7f5 gnu: Remove python2-parameterized.
1a95cc0a18 gnu: Remove python2-fastlmm.
84c47b7a87 gnu: Remove python2-pytest-cache.
450bca6344 gnu: Remove python2-statsmodels.
7e08c0cf5a gnu: Remove python2-html5lib.
fc40b6866d gnu: Remove python2-pandas.
ade2e25693 gnu: Remove python2-scikit-learn.
ce20daedd6 gnu: Remove python2-pytest-pep8.
97bbd7e67a gnu: Remove python2-hiredis.
f46e9f57ae gnu: Remove python2-pymysql.
67b8ee33b4 gnu: Remove python2-pyodbc-c.
eff6e94cfa gnu: Remove python2-py2neo.
5a85672855 gnu: Remove python2-apsw.
ff2b01b305 gnu: Remove python2-ccm.
04b4f6911e gnu: Remove python2-peewee.
bcd6aa0c4f gnu: Remove python2-trollius-redis.
a7c0a6ada4 gnu: Remove python2-redis.
e8652c133a gnu: Remove python2-neo4j-driver.
22376e54a7 gnu: Remove nmoldyn.
320fa3b6ae gnu: Remove domainfinder.
79564ce466 gnu: Remove python2-nose-randomly.
cb85ec6cf7 gnu: Remove python2-pytest-subtesthack.
3d19416bae gnu: Remove python2-pytest-flakes.
d6d985e10f gnu: Remove python2-cov-core.
f6be631855 gnu: Remove python2-discover.
e36938bf5f gnu: Remove python2-flexmock.
2c676370fc gnu: Remove python2-minimock.
cc5b285fce gnu: Remove python2-rednose.
13431202b6 gnu: Remove python2-python-paramunittest.
5686661805 gnu: Remove python2-pytest-capturelog.
ad35f9e3d8 gnu: Remove python2-nose2.
e5767535ba gnu: Remove python2-testlib.
28b0879dad gnu: Remove python2-pytest-catchlog.
e16c3dda0b gnu: Remove python2-nose-timer.
c131a4f3a4 gnu: Remove transmission-remote-cli.
f2c070f884 gnu: Remove pyicoteo.
abf2eb21b5 gnu: Remove python2-pbcore.
e28f2833c4 gnu: Remove python2-pyfaidx.
94e927587b gnu: Remove python2-screed.
8a3b681360 gnu: Remove miso.
d68dc6f805 gnu: Remove python2-warpedlmm.
f0c3e6760d gnu: Remove poretools.
61f237a4b7 gnu: Remove python2-dendropy.
280d9877ea gnu: Remove bamm.
e0a729ebe5 gnu: Remove python2-pybedtools.
1e1965e94f gnu: Remove python2-htseq.
64eb020449 gnu: Remove pepr.
d8f6bda140 gnu: Remove python2-pybigwig.
f41e722f3d gnu: Remove ribodiff.
8e32122e9d gnu: Remove grit.
a3d615f991 gnu: Remove python2-fastalite.
3cfa5d6287 gnu: Remove python2-pyaudio.
0e40c71a00 gnu: Remove raul-devel.
f1d120fa20 gnu: Remove raul.
c315248b2e gnu: Remove ingen.
d5053fcb06 gnu: Remove python2-pyalsaaudio.
df9c864103 gnu: Remove graphios.
d7c9ef847e gnu: Remove python2-langkit.
c7bb48b8e7 gnu: Remove python-pytest-runner-2.
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Most of the removal were automated using a script [0], but each package
removed had their upstream status considered (using last commit or
existing patches for Python 3 compatibility) and quite a few were saved
that way.

The script was executed with the current directory in a Guix checkout via:

$ ./pre-inst-env ~/src/guix-api-examples/purge-python2-packages.scm

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
It currently reports:

Skipping package 'python2-biopython' with 2 dependents...
Skipping package 'python2-six' with 47 dependents...
Skipping package 'python2-pycparser' with 2 dependents...
Skipping package 'scons-python2' with 14 dependents...

Python 2 purge complete.
4 packages were kept due to having dependents:
Packages                Dependencies
python2-six             47
scons-python2           14
python2-pycparser       2
python2-biopython       2
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The above dependencies are kept because some current packages still
depend on them, notably qtwebengine, for example.  Some Python 2
packages had more that 500 dependencies before the purge, as a
comparison basis.

That's it!  If there are no concerns I'll push the branch in a day or
two, as it's been in review for 2 weeks and has been fully built by the
CI [1] already.



[1] https://ci.guix.gnu.org/jobset/purge-python2-packages

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