Hello Kaelyn,

Kaelyn <kaelyn.al...@protonmail.com> skribis:

>> First, we need to cherry-pick relevant commits from gitlab.com. Any
>> takers? If you Giovanni or anyone else is willing to help, we can grant
>> commit access so we share the work. Another way to help is by listing
>> commits that should be applied.
>> Volunteers?
> I'd be happy to help with the efforts!


> I just took a few minutes and checked both repos out into a single
> working tree, and there aren't many commits unique to each
> repository. The official savannah repo has 5 commits since they
> diverged, with the 3 oldest looking like variations of the 6 oldest in
> the gitlab repo. Likewise, not counting the 6 just mentioned, there
> are 4 unique commits in the gitlab repo. Those 4 commits are:
> * c9aef52 - (gitlab/master, gitlab/HEAD) elisp/ui-package: Add 
> 'guix-package-use-name-at-point' variable (12 months ago)<Alex Kost>
> * e5ff0e5 - elisp/ui-package: Fix an error on package name read (12 months 
> ago)<Alex Kost>
> * 8ce6d21 - Rename 'guix-search-…' to 'guix-packages-…' commands (1 year, 3 
> months ago)<Alex Kost>
> * fbc2bbc - elisp/ui-package: Use thing at point for 'guix-packages-by-name' 
> command (1 year, 3 months ago)<Alex Kost>


Would you be willing to coordinate work on Emacs-Guix for some time?
If so, I’m in favor of granting you commit access so you can first push
these four commits, and eventually apply patches that are submitted or
fix bugs here and there.

If Giovanni or Théo wants to do that, that’s fine too.  What we need is
to make sure one of us/you can commit some time going forward to at
least protect Emacs-Guix from bitrot, and ideally help improve it, as
time permits.


Bug reports would still go to <https://issues.guix.gnu.org>, which you
can access from the comfort of your Emacs with M-x debbugs-gnu.  :-)


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