Hello Arun!

Too bad I missed the event on Saturday.

Arun Isaac <arunis...@systemreboot.net> skribis:

> guix-forge is a Guix service that, ambitiously, tries to reproduce a
> sourcehut, GitHub or GitLab like code forge, but using only
> off-the-shelf components like cgit, laminar, public-inbox, etc. The idea
> is to enable users to write a few lines of Guix operating-system
> configuration code, and have an entire code forge deployed and
> ready. guix-forge is similar to projects like FreedomBox, YunoHost and
> Mail-in-a-Box, but for code forges and built on the rock-solid
> foundation that is Guix.

This is really nice.  I like the idea of having easy deployment through
a Guix service, and of composing existing tools.  (It’d even be worth a
blog post, hint hint ;-))

> For now, only the laminar CI feature is in place. In the presentation, I
> will show a setup of laminar CI with guix-forge. On every git commit to
> a project repo, the CI will
> - automatically run tests for the project
> - build and deploy a static project website
> If you would like to take a sneak peek of a guix-forge configuration,
> there is a simple example in the Tutorial section of the manual at
> https://guix-forge.systemreboot.net/manual/dev/en/
> For a more complex real world configuration that, among other things,
> does continuous deployment of a web service, you can look at the
> guix-forge configuration for genenetwork.org at
> https://git.genenetwork.org/arunisaac/genenetwork-machines . The Laminar
> CI deployed by this configuration is at https://ci.genenetwork.org/

Neat.  I wonder if there could be a more Guiley flavor of guix-forge,
for instance with Gitile instead of Cgit and mumi instead of
public-inbox (though these two are not quite equivalent).

Thanks for sharing!


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