
Christopher Baines <m...@cbaines.net> skribis:

> There is starting to be some information in the QA data service instance:
> https://data.qa.guix.gnu.org/compare-by-datetime/package-derivations?base_branch=master&base_datetime=&target_branch=staging&target_datetime=&system=x86_64-linux&target=none&build_change=broken&after_name=&limit_results=&all_results=on
> That page should show things that build on master, but fail to build on
> staging.


Let’s look at these failures and address them with an eye on merging the
branch within a week.  How does that sound?

> There are some false positives though, like python-protobuf that was
> recently fixed on master and should be working on staging once master is
> merged in.
> There's probably some false negatives as well, since the build
> information is coming from bordeaux.guix.gnu.org, and it's not yet
> attempted to build everything for staging yet.

For the record, the weather looks nice for x86_64-linux:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
$ git log |head -6
commit 64c043e63a4be97f59fd1906c47973a74eedda67
Merge: b1f763de54 75af73e1b7
Author: Efraim Flashner <efr...@flashner.co.il>
Date:   Wed Jun 1 12:31:09 2022 +0300

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into staging
$ ./pre-inst-env  guix weather -c10 --substitute-urls=https://ci.guix.gnu.org
computing 20,543 package derivations for x86_64-linux...
looking for 22,106 store items on https://ci.guix.gnu.org...
  92.1% substitutes available (20,357 out of 22,106)
  at least 104,809.2 MiB of nars (compressed)
  154,511.9 MiB on disk (uncompressed)
  0.009 seconds per request (69.8 seconds in total)
  106.1 requests per second

  16.4% (286 out of 1,749) of the missing items are queued
  at least 1,000 queued builds
      aarch64-linux: 725 (72.5%)
      x86_64-linux: 272 (27.2%)
      powerpc64le-linux: 2 (.2%)
      i686-linux: 1 (.1%)
  build rate: 175.69 builds per hour
      i686-linux: 177.08 builds per hour
      x86_64-linux: 3.87 builds per hour
1454 packages are missing from 'https://ci.guix.gnu.org' for 'x86_64-linux', 
among which:
  6436  rust@1.39.0     
  4083  texlive-latex-listings@59745    
  3783  libva-without-mesa@2.13.0       
  3217  python-pretend@1.0.9    
  3174  python-setuptools-rust@1.1.2    
  2560  ld-wrapper@0    
  2098  texlive-latex-pgf@59745 
  2032  texlive-updmap.cfg@59745        
  1409  docbook2x@0.8.8 
  1193  texlive-updmap.cfg@59745 
   773  go-std@1.17.9   
   679  hlint@3.2.7     /gnu/store/1mb1zgxa2sli1zxrblj03jmgg5c2bv0d-hlint-3.2.7 
   676  go-std@1.17.9   
   675  go-std@1.17.9   
   628  classpath@0.99  
   624  ecj-javac-wrapper@3.2.2 
   400  java-org-ow2-parent-pom@1.3     
   398  java-hamcrest-parent-pom@1.3    
   260  rust@1.39.0     
   246  libva-without-mesa@2.13.0       
   240  ld-wrapper@0    
   240  python-pretend@1.0.9    
   240  python-setuptools-rust@1.1.2    
   232  texlive-latex-listings@59745    
   223  docbook2x@0.8.8 
   206  dune@3.1.1      /gnu/store/dz5c54kavgwq5qn37l0a0fymf1bv4b71-dune-3.1.1 
   183  kdbusaddons@5.70.0      
   175  java-slf4j-parent@1.7.25        
   174  java-guava-parent-pom@20.0      
   167  java-google-parent-pom@5        
   162  java-testng@6.14.3      
   149  java-commons-io@2.5     
   143  python-littleutils@0.2.2        
   124  ocaml-boot@4.07.1       
   119  java-geronimo-genesis@2.1       
   113  python-scipy@1.8.0      
    93  js-highlight@9.12.0     
    93  ocaml4.07-ocamlbuild@0.14.1     
    89  go-std@1.17.9   
    86  java-plexus-containers-parent-pom@2.1.0 
    85  qtwebkit@5.212.0-alpha4 
    85  go-std@1.17.9   
    81  go-std@1.17.9   
    75  texlive-updmap.cfg@59745        
    71  go-std@1.17.9   
    68  go-std@1.17.9   
    58  go-std@1.17.9   
    58  plexus-components-parent-pom@4.0        
    57  go-std@1.17.9   
    56  go-std@1.17.9   
    56  java-sisu-plexus-parent-pom@0.3.5       
    55  go-std@1.17.9   
    53  ruby-ruby-prof@1.4.3    
    52  go-std@1.17.9   
    50  maven-pom@3.8.5 
    47  maven-resolver-parent-pom@1.6.3 
    47  java-stringtemplate@4.0.6       
    46  python-jupyter-client@7.2.2     
    45  qtwebengine@5.15.2      
    40  ocaml4.07-graph@1.8.8   
    39  ocaml4.07-opam-file-format@2.1.4        
    39  java-commons-collections@3.2.2  
    37  maven-plugin-tools-parent-pom@3.5       
    36  java-jaxen-bootstrap@1.1.6      
    35  python-typogrify@2.0.7  
    35  go-std@1.17.9   
    35  java-tunnelvisionlabs-antlr4-runtime@4.7.4      
    34  go-std@1.17.9   
    29  glibc@2.33      /gnu/store/dbkf24jxgrqb9bxxwgslgiyj3zzwkcya-glibc-2.33 
    27  maven-pom@3.0   
    26  perl-plack-middleware-methodoverride@0.20       
    26  elm-core@1.0.5  
    26  texlive-updmap.cfg@59745        
    26  python-cloudpickle-testpkg@1.6.0        
    25  netsurf-buildsystem@1.9 
    25  go-std@1.17.9   
    23  ruby-pandoc-ruby@2.1.4 
    22  go-std@1.17.9   
    21  ghc-system-filepath-bootstrap@0.4.14    
    21  go-std@1.17.9   
    21  maven-wagon-provider-api@3.4.3  
    21  ghc-chell-quickcheck-bootstrap@  
    20  go-std@1.17.9   
    19  chez-nanopass@1.9.2     
    19  go-std@1.17.9   
    19  go-std@1.17.9   
    19  texlive-updmap.cfg@59745        
    18  go-std@1.17.9   
    17  go-std@1.17.9   
    16  julia-tracker@0.2.12    
    16  go-std@1.17.9   
    16  go-std@1.17.9   
    16  stb@0.0-2.b42009b       
    15  ruby-loofah@2.13.0      
    15  rust-bitflags@1.3.2     
    15  go-std@1.17.9   
    14  ruby-rails-dom-testing@2.0.3    
    14  python-httpx@0.22.0     
    14  go-std@1.17.9   
    13  evolution-data-server@3.42.1    
    13  rust-wayland-sys@0.28.3 
    13  java-eclipse-jetty-http-test-classes@9.2.22     
    13  texlive-updmap.cfg@59745        
    12  giblib@1.2.4    
    12  texlive-updmap.cfg@59745        
    12  texlive-updmap.cfg@59745        
    12  go-std@1.17.9   
    11  go-std@1.17.9   
    11  cl-closure-common@20101006-1.e3c5f5f    
    11  go-std@1.17.9   
    11  go-std@1.17.9   
    10  go-std@1.17.9   
    10  go-std@1.17.9   
    10  go-std@1.17.9   
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Note: things marked as missing, like Rust at the top, are
private/hidden/deprecated variants of packages I believe.  We should
check exactly why they aren’t getting published.


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