
On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 at 14:21, Maxime Devos <maximede...@telenet.be> wrote:
> zimoun schreef op di 28-06-2022 om 13:01 [+0200]:
>> Well, from my understanding, the question is: should a perfectly working
>> and fine submission be delayed because unrelated-to-Guix issues are in
>> upstream code?
> This is not the question.  The dispute is about:
> Maxime Devos: https://issues.guix.gnu.org/55541#3
>> AFAICT the issues have not been reported upstream yet, so I don't
>> think we can close this entry on debbugs yet. 
> zimoun:
>> Ludo said these unrelated-to-Guix issues are not blocker, from my
>> understandings.  And I agree.  Do you disagree?
> I agree too.  What I disagree with, is ignoring the bug.  The blocker
> for me is: appropriate parties need to be at least informed of bug if
> it isn't fixed.

And… as I wrote [1]:

        I agree; we cannot fix the world. ;-) In the case of patch#55541, the
        issues of cross-compilation can be reported directly to upstream and
        another Debbugs number could be open.

1: <https://yhetil.org/guix/87wnd2w9mm....@gmail.com>

The bug is not ignored, to the contrary.  But it is not a blocker for
patch inclusion and so patch#55541 can be closed.

You are free, as the reviewer, to open a report for Guix pointing the
issue of cross-compilation of ’azpainter’; bonus point for you if you
open an issue upstream.  Extra point for the one who fixes the package.

Well, you and me spend more time in discussing that than in just
reporting the issue. ;-)


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