Hi there,

I'd like to request some small changes be made on this page:
> https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Building-from-Git.html

1. Authenticating on a foreign distro

When at the "make authenticate" stage of the build process on a foreign
distro, this fails because it cannot find guix.
I think it's because the `guix environment guix --pure' command doesn't
include it, or obscures its path.

As a workaround, I ran `PATH=/usr/local/bin/:$PATH make authenticate'

Seems simple enough, but might cause some trouble for inexperienced users
such as myself who might not know whether or not the environment command
was an optional step.

2. Easy fix for failing `make check' tests

I had a few failing tests on my foreign distro relating to setting locales.
Digging around led me to this reddit thread for the solution:

Here they suggest running `sudo guix install glibc-locales` instead of as a
Maybe this should be mentioned, since I'm not the only one coming to GUIX
from another distro.

Thanks otherwise for the fantastic manual,

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