Hi Simon,

zimoun <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> writes:


>> Conversely, I'd like to add a comment that does commit to always 
>> keeping ‘yes '' | bash guix-install.sh’ working, assuming there 
>> was no other input or detected issues.  Also nice for humans in a 
>> hurry.
>> Does that seem unreasonable to anyone?
> From my point of view, it could nice to have a way to run the
> installation script without any human action.  For instance, install
> Guix in some GitHub/Gitlab CI.

If I understood Tobias, they were not suggesting to make the
non-interactive installation use case harder/impossible, just to change
it from 'yes | ./install.sh' to 'yes "" | ./install.sh', which would
give us the freedom to choose a default value of either yes or no for
each question.

Hope that helps!


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