On Wed, Feb 01, 2023 at 09:23 PM, Tobias Platen wrote:

> I had submitted a talk for LibrePlanet called "Gaming on a Talos II -
> how I avoid using Steam". Unfortunately, there were so many high
> quality talks that it was impossible to fit them all in the program.
> So I will do a lightning  talk [1], about my work in progress Guix
> Games Collection, a list of games that are playable on a freedom
> respecting machine such as the Talos II or Thinkpad X200 (with
> Libreboot) on the Guix System. I also plan to make a haunt page with
> screenshots/videos for each game, similar to the Steam storepages.

Cool, thanks for sharing and working on free(dom) games on Guix!

> [1]:
> <https://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2023/Lightning_Talks>

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