
I'm wondering what the overall estimated work or effort might look like to 
leverage Guix to build a co-existing family of packages that are in some sense 
"orthogonal" to the rest of Guix, based upon different package versions and 
perhaps musl libc - similar to https://github.com/dslm4515/CMLFS for example.

Could a series of such packages be built up in the same way that these LFS type 
builds bootstrap themselves? For example, starting with the most primitive 
dependencies and going on upward.

For this to work, different package versions for the same kind of package would 
need to coexist - which I don't believe is inherently a problem. But also, 
these builds would need to refer exclusively to paths and prefixes that are 
wholly self-contained and orthogonal to the rest of Guix.

The overall aim here is to consider building some select packages for example 
with musl libc, or perhaps building a "stable track" of software that is 
unaffected by the rest of Guix evolving packages.

The measurement of effort can be subjective. Perhaps it involves modifying 
existing recipes and adapting these to point to different packages/versions. 
Maybe there is a similar precedent somewhere.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

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