Hi Sarthak,

> As of now, it's a bit difficult for beginners to find answers to their 
> problems in the mailing list or in IRC logs as they aren't very
> easy to navigate compared to forum threads.

I personally think that it would be wiser to improve the documentation
relating to the mailing lists and IRC logs, rather than fragmenting the
places that someone should look for answers. Maybe a new / additional
frontend that is more approachable for new users would also be good.

I have never found myself participating in distro-specific forums; I
have always used them as read-only sources of information. Yet here I am
participating in the Guix mailing lists :). I bet I am not alone in this

Also FWIW, Guix was basically my introduction to participating in
mailing lists. So I wouldn't say I am biased in my old ways of doing
things - I just genuinely think it's a good way to handle communication.


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