Ekaitz Zarraga <eka...@elenq.tech> writes:

> Hi
> I made a possible package for the Hare compiler:
> https://harelang.org/installation/
> But I'm not sure how we should handle a couple of things.
> The dependencies are propagated while maybe we should mention which are the 
> inputs and set them to be called from the store directly, should we?
> And also the way they manage to make the configuration for the compiler 
> driver is adding a config.mk file ourselves. I decided to ignore it and add 
> the config as environment variables in order to simplify the process but I'm 
> not sure if you find any other way that fits better with our needs.
> Also the language is kind of a beta and they don't have a release schedule 
> yet. Are we ok packaging software in that status?
> Thanks,
> Ekaitz

Doesn't sound any worse than Idris or Vlang and we have packages for
both. :shrug:
(Also that seL4 microkernel project the Hare folkx are building is cool,
I wonder if Guix could run on it. :3)

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