
On Mon, 19 Jun 2023 at 14:54, Nicolas Graves via "Development of GNU Guix and 
the GNU System distribution." <guix-devel@gnu.org> wrote:

> One of the criticism that can be read online about Guix (compared to
> Nix) is its speed. I have never tried Nix and probably won't in a near
> future, but I was wondering if some work has been made to compare them
> on basic tasks (package installation, removal...) (the reason why I ask
> is to be able to give an honest answer to someone hesitating between
> both).

I would find that very helpful.  For some command, I find Guix very
slow, especially when compared with Apt or Aptitude from Debian.  But
that is comparing Apple to Orange. :-)

For sure, “guix search” is very slow [1].

1: https://issues.guix.gnu.org/39258


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