
Am Samstag, dem 02.09.2023 um 18:08 +0200 schrieb Csepp:
> Mumi currently fails at its main function of being a search engine
> for issues.  I can't even find my own messages with keyword searches,
> because for some reason Mumi connects each words with a logical or
> and doesn't rank search results based on how many hits there are, not
> to mention handling fuzzy hits, or synonyms, etc.
To be fair, I remember a time when search results used to be better and
I think it used to be not so long ago (half a year to year maybe). 
Perhaps something in Xapian changed to make our life harder, but I
agree that mumi should probably not go for the fanciest schmanciest ISR
techniques and use (pseudo)booleans instead.


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