Hi Giovanni,

Giovanni Biscuolo <g...@xelera.eu> writes:

> Hi Maxim,
> Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.courno...@gmail.com> writes:
> [...]
>>> c. how do we get the issue number of a patch containing "Change-Id"? [1]
>> We'd have to search through the currently opened patches issues; I
>> assume using a tool like the 'mumi' command we already have could do
>> that.
> It would be fantastic if we find a way for mumi to index (via xapian)
> the "Change-Id", enabling us to provide a query like this: (is:open and
> change-id:<ID>).  I don'r know if this is doable by mumi alone or if it
> needs Debbugs to be able to manage the new "Change-Id" attribute.
> If there is enough consensus I volunteer to collect ideas and send a
> feature request to the mumi and/or Debbugs devels (if we need Debbugs
> patches I guess it will be a long term goal)

I don't think any changes to Debbugs would be necessary.  Mumi is
already able to parse mail headers -- parsing a git trailer should be
just as simple.


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