Hi Edouard,

On Thu, 14 Sep 2023 at 20:57, Edouard Klein <e...@rdklein.fr> wrote:

> Second, I don't know what the general feeling is here towards debbugs, but
> if moving away from it is something that may happen, my suggestion is not
> to use anything with Pull Requests, as Simon you seem to have
> understood.

People are discussing about hosting Sourcehut for managing the patches.
But it is still under discussion and AFAIK nothing concrete has

>                                            What I had in mind was a
> (semi-)public-writable repo: code is pushed by developers, pulled and
> reviewed by maintainers, and if satisfactory, rebased on to master.

Well, I do not think what you are describing is pragmatically doable.

IMHO, the only option would be to use “git request-pull”.  Similarly as
you wrote in your first message, the contributor does:

     git remote add guix-patches WHATEVER #only once
     git push -u guix-patches master:some-unique-name

Instead of clicking on a button some web-forge requesting a pull, then
you send the kind of “pull request” by email.  First, you prepare the

     git request-pull origin WHATEVER -p > cover-letter.txt

If you want, you can edit this cover-letter and add more comments if
needed.  Last, you send it – it would be nice to be able to send what
git-request-pull generates using git-send-email but I do not know how.
And one Debbugs issue will be open containing the patches and where to
pull.  And that’s all.

Hum, I do not know…


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