Le 25 octobre 2023 09:09:46 GMT+02:00, Andreas Enge <andr...@enge.fr> a écrit :
>Am Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 10:17:01PM +0200 schrieb Vivien Kraus:
>> > Some of us will be in Toulouse, INP-N7, 26 rue Riquet on 18 & 19
>> > november for Capitole du Libre:
>> > We will stand in Village Associatif.  Let us know if you can help us
>> > at the event.  Well, I do not know exactly what means "a stand" since
>> > it will be the first for me. :-)  I guess it mainly consists to be
>> > around the Guix booth, chat with people about why Guix is awesome!
>> > and
>> > maybe demo some Guix features.
>> > Feel free to share your ideas. :-)
>Personally I am always drawn to strange hardware. So if anyone coming
>has a single board computer running Guix (Guix system?), this would be
>nice to show. Actually we would also need a screen then; I have a spare
>one, but it would be difficult to transport by bus and train.

I'll be there and since I live in Toulouse, I can bring a screen if necessary. 
I already planned to help oith the OSM stand though, so I probably won't stay 
long on the Guix stand.

>We need stickers! Julien, were you not the one buying our latest batch?

I had a batch of square stickers that lasted for a few years, but I managed to 
get rid of it during our last guix days. I'll order some more, they'll be 
useful for futuse events too.

>Maybe we could order more, we should have Guix Foundation pay for it.
>We need flyers! Maybe print a number of reference cards? It looks like the
>project is missing a promotional flyer to be given to attract newcomers.

I can order flyers, visit cards or anything else, but I'd need help with the 

>> Je compte bien y aller !
>Chouette! L'idée serait que plus on est nombreux, plus on peut alterner
>sur le stand et aussi profiter nous-mêmes de quelques présentations et
>autres stands. Je viens les deux jours, mais arrive assez tard samedi
>(11h27 à la gare) et repars assez tôt dimanche (17h24 de la gare).

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