Hi all,

Just a gentle reminder for today's meetup! Details below.


> Hi all,
> The next Guix London meetup is scheduled for Monday 15th January, 6 pm
> London time (i.e. UTC) onward. Join us in person or online, address and
> link below.
> - In person, from 6:00 pm: 20 Farringdon St, EC4A 4AB
> - Online, from 6:10 pm: https://meet.jit.si/london-guix-meetup
> - https://www.meetup.com/guix-london/events/298422197/
> If you attend in person, please make sure you RSVP and share your full
> name (or a nickname) so that we can register you at the building's
> reception.
> The main part of the meetup will be an introduction to the guix-forge
> project. If you have any Guix or Guile related question or topic, there
> should be time to talk about that too. All welcome! Talk abstract
> follows.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> # Self-hosting and autonomy using guix-forge
> As free software programmers, whether we like it or not, we often host
> our projects on large centralized and proprietary software forges such
> as GitHub. In theory, it is perfectly possible to host our own forges
> using free software such as GitLab, Gitea, etc. But, life is short, and
> setup and maintenance of these services is more work than it seems at
> first.
> GNU Guix is well-known as a package manager, for the high quality of its
> packages, and for the strong reproducibility guarantees it
> provides. But, it is much less appreciated for its services, system
> definitions and deployment features. That's such a shame since these
> features can let you summon and dismiss entire systems at will—be they
> bare-metal or virtualized—with nothing but a declarative plain text
> configuration file.
> In this talk, Arun will speak about guix-forge, a Guix channel that
> provides Guix services for easy setup and maintenance of a software
> forge. guix-forge uses existing free software such as cgit and/or klaus
> for serving git repositories on the web, laminar and webhook for
> continuous integration, uacme for managing TLS certificates, etc.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> QA (on guix-forge) and open discussion (on anything Guix related) after
> the talk.
> Guix London has no official ties with the Guix project. We commit to
> promote the project and to always operate with the best intentions; any
> mistake that we might make is due to us, Guix London, not the Guix
> project.
> # Code of conduct
> We, Guix London's organisers, intend to create an open, friendly, and
> safe environment where people from the most diverse backgrounds can get
> together, learn about, teach, and discuss Guix and related topics in a
> welcoming and constructive way.
> To this end, Guix London adheres to the Guix project's official Code of
> Conduct, as published at this link. Please make sure you familiarise
> with the document and that you share its principles, before attending
> our events.
> Should you—at any time before, during, or after one of our events— want
> to raise an issue or discuss any CoC-related topic, please do not
> hesitate to reach out to the organisers at the contacts below.
> - Arun Isaac, arunis...@systemreboot.net
> - Fabio Natali, m...@fabionatali.com
> # Get involved
> Should you be interested in becoming a Guix London organiser, please let
> us know. It'd be great to have you onboard. No previous Guix knowledge
> is required. If you're interested (or simply want to know more), do not
> hesitate to reach out to us!
> Similarly, if you want to present on any Guix-related topic at one of
> our events, that's also great. We'd love to hear from you.
> Cheers!
> Arun

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