> - a lightweight logging infrastructure together with plenty of log
> lines throughout the codebase, and some hints in the README on how
> to turn log lines gray in emacs (i.e. easily ignorable).

a quick note on the log statements: they are essentially noise when it comes to 
reading the code, hence the gray coloring i suggest in emacs. (although they 
may often serve also as "executable" comments).

i'd also like to propose to relax the 80 column limit for log lines for the 
same reason that i've explained above.

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“Happiness, whether consisting in pleasure or virtue, or both, is more often 
found with those who are highly cultivated in their minds and in their 
character, and have only a moderate share of external goods.”
        — Aristotle (BC 384–322), 'Book VII, 1323.b1'

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