
I’m looking for ways to incorporate videos into the repositories of our
web sites so they’re content-addressed and properly tracked, and to make
it easier to create backups (right now those videos are stored on our
two main servers and rsynced between them⁰; I’m talking about the videos
at guix.gnu.org, 10years.guix.gnu.org, and hpc.guix.info).

The question boils down to: Git-LFS or Git Annex?

>From a quick look (I haven’t used them), Git-LFS seems to assume a
rather centralized model where there’s an LFS server sitting next to the
Git server¹.  Git Annex looks more decentralized, allowing you to have
several “remotes”, to check the status of each one, to sync them, etc.²
Because of this, Git Annex seems to be a better fit.

Data point: guix.gnu.org source is hosted on Savannah, which doesn’t
support Git-LFS; the two other web sites above are hosted on GitLab
instances, which I think do support Git-LFS.

What’s your experience?  What would you suggest?


¹ https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/wiki/Tutorial
² https://git-annex.branchable.com/walkthrough/

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