Hi Tanguy,

Tanguy LE CARROUR <tan...@bioneland.org> writes:

> Grub asked me right away my passphrase and… it did not work! 😱
> After several attempts, I figured out that the keyboard layout
> was apparently set to `qwerty` even though I had selected `bépo AFNOR`
> during the configuration. When I eventually typed my passphrase
> in `querty` Grub started and boot my system and… I had to type the
> passphrase a second time, but, fortunately this time in `bépo`!
> I checked the `config.scm` and the layout was properly set in the
> bootloader declaration.

We don't try to embed the required keymap in the GRUB image and load it
early on.  It shouldn't be too hard, but would require a bit of

> I then reconfigured my `guix home` and logged back and… the script
> that runs on first login failed for `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` was not set!
> I checked and `/run/user/1000` was not even present.

This is usually a symptom of elogind's PAM module not running/working.
Did you use %desktop-services as a base for services?

Josselin Poiret

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