On 2024-02-07, Josselin Poiret wrote:
> The fact that you have to wait for Debbugs's response after the first
> mail to get the proper mail to reply to means that we can't automate
> sending whole patchsets, and have to resort to hacks like the CLI `mumi`
> tool uses.  I can't just send a patchset and be done with it, I have to
> wait a couple minutes.

Well, that is a conflict between guix policies/practices and

Debbugs handles sending multiple patches in a single email just fine,
which can be done on the initial submission.

That has downsides with regards to threading, but given all the current
limitations, I wonder if the downsides of having to wait for the initial
bug number to land are worth the cost of having to implement a
user-interface tool (mumi CLI) to workaround it.

That said, the tool already exists... but not everyone is aware of it or
for whatever reason is not necesarily using it.

Are there other downsides to allowing a multiple patches in a single

Ideally the technology would fit whatever practicies guix would like to
implement... but then we have what we have right now.

live well,

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