Hi Maxime,

On 19 Feb, Maxime Devos wrote:
> > Consequently, there is no specific statement saying 'Distributors should 
> > not AOT libraries' that I can point to.
> In this bit about differences in perspective, I haven’t seen any mention of 
> AOT, hence the “Consequently” does not follow. The part that’s missing here 
> is that (IIUC) in Clojure, it is somewhat conventional to stuff the compiled 
> .class files in a superior Aryan JAR instead – the inferior UnderJARs you get 
> from the “guix install clj-whatever” equivalent would only contain 
> non-compiled .clj (and data files, whatever).
> > But, I would like to draw attention to this thread on Clojureverse as the 
> > best source I could find:
> >Alex Miller is the main community manager for Clojure, and is a maintainer 
> >of the core libraries, so his perspective is key. He notes that, AOT code is 
> >tied to *specific versions of Clojure*:
> >
> >  "AOT'ed code is that it is inherently the product of a particular version 
> > of tthe Clojure compiler ... I would recommend NOT AOT compiling libraries" 
> > [4]
> This reasoning does not follow – yes, it is tied to the Clojure version, so 
> what? Guix automatically rebuilds dependents when the dependency (in this 
> case, the Clojure compiler) changes.

I think this preceding sentence is the heart of different assumptions between 

The Clojure packages we haave are for developers writing applications 
(libraries and tools). The ecosystem has very few end-user applications [0]. As 
a Clojure developer I can use the Clojure tools from Guix, and a few libraries. 
We (and all the other distributions) have a miniscule portion of the 
Clojure/Java library universe [1]. This leads to the following usage scenarios:

1. A developer installs Clojure from Guix, and uses libraries from outside Guix.
They can install the JVM/Clojure and some common tools (like clj-tools-cli). 
They will use libraries from elsewhere, including their own. AOT compilation is 
a problem because of the issue of mixed AOT and non-AOT.

2. A developer installs a Clojure from outside Guix, uses libraries from inside 
This will cause problems because the Guix Clojure libraries will have been 
AOT'd by a different version of the compiler. It's also fairly common to 
install/use parallel versions of Clojure/jvm due to different deployment needs, 
this is likely to cause difficult to find bugs.

I can see the sense of compiling to byte code if it's an end-user application. 
In that case we'd want to make the start-up as fast as possible. Your comments 
seem to have this use-case in mind.

But, today there aren't any such end-user Clojure applications in Guix.

> >I believe this means that with AOT code on, any user who installs a 
> >different version of Clojure from the one that we used to AOT the libraries 
> >*may* have problems.
> Unlike, say, Maven, this situation simply does not happen in Guix, because we 
> don’t just download binaries and call it a day (except for some bootstrapping 
> stuff, but that’s not relevant for Clojure AOT), because we have functioning 
> recompilation of dependents, because of shebang patching, because binaries 
> that are to be invoked should not rely on the ambient CLASSPATH / 
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH / etc. and, if, the underlying binaries do rely on that, they 
> are wrapped (see wrap-program) to set them (or, at least, they should be, you 
> might find some bugs in this department if you go looking).
> Even if they aren’t wrapped, then in that case the dependencies are 
> propagated-inputs, and you can only have a single version of a propagated 
> package in the same environment (barring stacking environment shenanigans, 
> but then you are looking for it and/or you can just report a bug about how 
> the binaries should be wrapped/classpath should be patched in/...).

In this paragraph you're assumption is that a Guix user is only using libraries 
from within Guix. Hopefully, I've shown why this assumption is unlikely above.

You also mentioned Debian, and @e.hashiman [2] said that Clojure libraries are 
not AOT'd on Debian, while applications are. From what I can find there are 130 
packages in Debian with the word Clojure in them [3]. I looked at a selection 
and it seems true that Debian does not AOT libraries (and I can't find any 
Clojure 'apps'). For completeness I also checked what Clojars, the main 
distribution archive for Clojure developers, does:

- https://sources.debian.org/src/core-match-clojure/1.0.0-1/project.clj/
    - Lein-based project - has to have :aot keyword - distributes as source 
    - Clojure source files (.clj) in Debian
    - Clojure source files in Clojars
    - Byte compiled files in GUIX
    - installed and inspected with jar -tvf

- https://sources.debian.org/src/data-csv-clojure/1.0.0-1/deps.edn/
    - tools.deps project - has to have a specific aot alias - distributes as 
source files
    - Clojure source files (.clj) in the Debian provided jar
    - Clojure source files in the Clojars provided jar
    - Byte compiled files in Guix
    - installed and inspected with jar -tvf

I tried looking at both Arch and Nix but neither of them package any Clojure 
libraries at all.

Does this help clarify why I'm asking to change the default?



[0] https://fr.surveymonkey.com/stories/SM-_2BH3b49f_2FXEkUlrb_2BJSThxg_3D_3D/ 
, there are tools for programmers like clj and babashka
[1] We have 12 Clojure packages, Debian has 180 and according to Maven central 
(https://mvnrepository.com/repos) there are ~2,000 repos, Clojars shows 3105 
[2] https://mastodon.social/@ehash...@cloudisland.nz/111960714219364737
[3] https://sources.debian.org/search/clojure/

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