Giovanni Biscuolo <> writes:
> [...]
> pinoaffe <> writes:
>> - should examine possible workarounds going forward,
>> - should move towards something like UUIDs and petnames in the long run.
>> (see
> I don't understand how using petnames, uuids or even a re:claimID
> identity (see below) could solve the problem with "rewriting history" in
> case a person wishes to change his or her previous _published_ name
> (petname, uuid...) in an archived content-addressable storage system.
It would decouple "name" from "identity as represented in the git merkle
tree", thus allowing name changes to occur without affecting hashes and
the like.  I see no possible reason for UUID changes, as UUIDs (by
themself) are not personally identifying.  This of course would not
allow retroactive splitting/merging of identities, but I feel like
permitting that is incompatible with the idea of identities anyhow.

> As a side note, other than the "petname system" please also consider
> re:claimID from GNUnet:

Sure, I'll take a look

kind regards,

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