the context:

there's an app currently packaged in guix, namely 
gnome-shell-extension-clipboard-indicator, that has a rather questionable 
practice: by default it saves the clipboard history (passwords included) in 
clear text, and the preferences for it is called something obscure. its author 
actively defends this situation for several years now, rejecting patches and 
bug reports.

a detailed discussion is available at:

the fact that its name suggests that it is *the* standard gnome clipboard app 
makes the situation that much worse.

my question:

how shall we deal with a situation like this?

 1) shall i create a guix patch that makes the necessary changes in
    this app, and submit it to guix? this would be a non-trivial, and
    a rather hidden divergence from upstream, potentially leading to

 2) is there a way to attach a warning message to a package to explain
    such situations to anyone who installs them? should there be a
    feature like that? should there be a need for a --force switch, or
    an interactive y/n, to force installing such apps?

 3) is there a point where packages refusing to address security
    issues should be unpackaged? and also added to a blacklist until the
    security issue is resolved? where is that point? would this one

 4) is this the responsibility of a project like guix to address
    situations like this?

 5) do you know another forum where this dispute should be brought up
    instead of guix-devel?

i'm looking forward to your thoughts, and/or any pointers or patches to the 
documentation that i should read.

• attila lendvai
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The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

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